In order to foster an ethical corporate culture, PYURAN regards ethical management as a core value of its business activities and strives to conduct its activities transparently and fairly to become a widely trusted company.
Sustainable Management System
Based on its founding principles, PYURAN will continuously create new value for the company through efficient management activities, fulfill its social responsibilities, and strive to coexist and prosper with stakeholders such as customers, shareholders, and partners.
PYURAN's Code of Ethics
We remain steadfast in our commitment to our founding principles, continuously working to foster a proactive and ethical corporate culture. In doing so, we resolve to embrace and adhere to the following code of ethics wholeheartedly.
We firmly believe that the mission and purpose of our company is to create customer value, and we always think and act from the customer's perspective.
We protect our shareholders through sound and transparent business activities, maximizing corporate value and providing long-term and stable profits to our shareholders.
We adhere to the principles of market competition in our transactions with suppliers, securing mutual trust through clean and transparent dealings and pursuing long-term coexistence and joint development.
We comply with all relevant laws and social ethics in our business activities, practice fair competition, and enhance the level of our products and services based on new ideas to secure a competitive edge.
We contribute to the national economic development as a sustainable company through technological development and management innovation and fulfill our social responsibility through environmentally friendly management activities and social contributions to corporate profits.
We elevate personal dignity and the company's reputation through honesty and integrity and do not disclose or misuse business secrets.
We faithfully perform our duties on an ethical foundation to achieve the company's goals and values, respect each other as employees, and strive to become the best in our respective roles through self-development.