PYURAN Urethane Catalysts Application and Properties Flexible Foam Rigid Foam (PUR, PIR) Coatings, Adhesives Microcellulars, Elastomers
Slabstock Molded
Product Name Type Product Description, Potential Applications and Typical Benefits Typical Applications
LP-14 Trimerization Catalyst Potassium Octoate; Rigid isocyanurate (Trimerization) metal catalyst with the basis of potassium for the production of (rigid) foam. Solvent: DPG        
LP-15 Trimerization Catalyst Standard grade Potassium Octoate; Rigid isocyanurate (Trimerization) metal catalyst with the basis of potassium for the production of (rigid) foam. Solvent: DEG        
LP-16 (-OHfree) Trimerization Catalyst Potassium Octoate; Rigid isocyanurate (Trimerization) metal catalyst with the basis of potassium for the production of (rigid) foam. Solvent: OH-free solvent        
LP-2097 Trimerization Catalyst Potassium Acetate; Solvent: DEG        
LS-15 Trimerization Catalyst Potassium Acetate; Trimerization catalyst with improved storage stability. Solvent: PG        
LA-1 Blow Amine Catalyst Amine-catalyst composed with bis-(2-dimethylaminoethyl) ether. Blowing catalyst for all types of flexible foam. Solvent: DPG    
LF-17 Delayed Action Catalyst Catalyst for initial response lag, which is designated to use for flexible urethane foam      
LQ-300H Ionic liquids Ionic Liquid catalyst for production of polyurethane foam.      
LQ-310 Ionic liquids Ionic Liquid, Odor free catalyst for production of polyurethane foam.      
LB-83 Bismuth Catalyst Bismuth Neodecanoate (non-toxic) based catalyst for production of polyurethane foam.      
LT-32 Gelling Catalyst Dioctyl Tin Didodecylmercaptide, stable storage stability in premix system.
LDPA Reactive Catalyst Low emission catalyst with good gellation and flowability.  
PLC Thermosensitive Nickel Catalyst Ni Acetate, Heat-activated Nickel catalyst developed for the mechanically frothed foam application.
Product List
Product Name Product Description Active Substance Solvent
LP-14* Potassium Octoate: A potassium-based isocyanurate (trimerization) metal catalyst for foam generation Potassium Octoate DPG
LP-15* Potassium Octoate: A potassium-based isocyanurate (trimerization) metal catalyst for foam generation Potassium Octoate DEG
LP-16DM* Potassium Octoate: A potassium-based isocyanurate (trimerization) metal catalyst for foam generation Potassium Octoate OH free solvent
LP-2097 Potassium Acetate: A trimerization catalyst with enhanced storage stability Potassium Acetate DEG
LS-15 Potassium Acetate: A trimerization catalyst with enhanced storage stability Potassium Acetate PG
LQ-300H Ionic liquid odorless catalyst for polyurethane foam Ionic Liquid
(Quaternary Ammonium Salt Based)
Does not contain solvent
LQ-310 Ionic liquid odorless catalyst for polyurethane foam Ionic Liquid
(Quaternary Ammonium Salt Based)
LQ-308 Phase transition catalyst for VOC regulation compliance with excellent emulsifying ability Ionic Liquid
(Quaternary Ammonium Salt Based)
LDPA Low-emission catalyst with excellent gelling and flow properties N(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-N,N-diisopropanol amine Does not contain solvent
LA-1 A highly reactive amine catalyst composed of bis(2-dimethylaminoethyl)ether and dipropylene glycol BDMAEE DPG
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