We lead innovation in the chemical industry, creating a better world with eco-friendly technologies and ESG management.
Sustainable Management System
ESG Vision and Core Strategies
Create the value of green chemistry for the future.
Bringing the green dream to life with eco-friendly products
Bringing the green dream to life with eco-friendly products
Prioritizing trust above all
Spreading love and practicing it for the good of the world
Strategic Direction
Pursue Net Zero
Provide a healthy work environment for members
Establish transparent ethical and legal management
Promote a circular economy
Create a safe society through proactive measures
Activate communication with stakeholders and expand information disclosure
Manage greenhouse gases and air quality
Contribute to social issue resolution through sharing
Practice leading ethical management
Transit to renewable energy
Create better job opportunities
Expand a culture of integrity
Sustainability Management Policy
PYURAN respects and protects human rights, a universal value of humanity, and strives for human rights management across all business activities. In addition, PYURAN treats all stakeholders participating in management activities as a shared community, respecting their human rights.
PYURAN respects internationally recognized human rights and labor standards, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact, and the core conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO), and practices social responsibility.
To implement human rights management, PYURAN has declared the following human rights management principles:
Article 1: Respect for Human Dignity
PYURAN respects all employees and actively works to ensure that no inhumane treatment, whether physical or mental, occurs. Any acts of violence, sexual violence, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, verbal abuse, bullying, or public humiliation will be strictly addressed according to disciplinary regulations if identified.
Article 2: Prohibition of Discrimination
PYURAN does not discriminate in employment, promotion, education, compensation, benefits, or working conditions based on race, nationality, gender, religion, disability, age, political views, social status, or other reasons.
Article 3: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Rights
PYURAN provides ample communication opportunities within the company, guarantees the freedom of association, and does not discriminate or mistreat employees due to union membership, activities, or formation. PYURAN also guarantees collective bargaining rights through employee representatives and respects and faithfully implements the results of such negotiations.
Article 4: Prohibition of Forced Labor
PYURAN does not engage in any form of forced labor (such as debt bondage, slave labor, etc.) that unjustly restricts an individual’s mental or physical freedom. PYURAN also does not coerce employees into working against their free will.
Article 5: Prohibition of Child Labor
PYURAN prohibits all forms of child labor. When hiring minors, PYURAN fully complies with labor laws regarding working conditions and procedures and ensures that educational opportunities are not restricted.
Article 6: Wages and Benefits
PYURAN pays all employees at least the minimum wage in accordance with labor laws and provides the payment along with pay slips. In cases of unavoidable overtime, PYURAN provides overtime pay per the relevant laws. Through welfare programs, PYURAN aims to enhance the quality of life and work motivation, contributing to sound economic development.
Article 7: Ensuring Occupational Safety
PYURAN supports all employees in working in a safe and hygienic environment. PYURAN complies with occupational safety regulations, including regular inspections, and proactively checks and improves potential hazards to prevent industrial accidents.
Article 8: Responsible Supply Chain Management
PYURAN supports all partners, including suppliers, in implementing human rights management practices.
Article 9: Protection of Human Rights of Local Residents
PYURAN respects and protects the human rights of residents, such as safety and freedom of residence, ensuring that its business activities do not infringe on these rights and cooperates for the development of the local community.
Article 10: Customer Human Rights and Information Protection
When providing products and services, PYURAN prioritizes protecting customers' lives, health, and property. PYURAN respects customer privacy to the fullest and takes all necessary measures to ensure the security of personal data collected during business operations.